Rather than having a two day weekend of Planning and Training, as has been the tradition, we are scaling back to just one very full day for this event . In addition, it will not be in San Pedro, as originally announced , but instead will be at our Church Meeting Facility, diagnosis room 405, this Saturday, November 7th.
The start time will be the same ( 8:30 AM) so all participants should have breakfast at home before arriving. This will be a very busy, advice and full day, with the major action items for program and training to remain the same. This event will be completed at 6:00 PM.
This remains a Class A uniform event. Permission slips will still be collected at check in, as per BSA policy, because this is NOT our regularly scheduled meeting, even though we are having it at our home base location
. Lunch will still be provided as part of the program, so we will be collecting $10.00 per person at check in time to cover the costs of lunch and snacks for the boys.
What has been removed from the itinerary will be; we are not tenting out this weekend, the other two meals prep trainings that were part of the outdoor training component, the tent pitching review, the trailer packing review, the compass course, the night time ice skating fun, the late night movies fun, and the special Tide Pools nature walk.
The reason for this change of location and schedule will be reviewed with the boys during the Planning Meeting.